LrExplorer - Analytics for Adobe Lightroom Classic


LrExporer is desktop application for Windows and MacOS that provides analytics of your Lightroom catalogs.

This is a temporary page while the program is going through testing.

LrExplorer always opens the Lightroom catalog in a read-only mode. Even though there is no code that attempts to write to the catalog database file, this ensures that no modifications are made to the file by LrExplorer. That being said, to be safe you may wish to make a copy of your catalog and use that for analyzing. You may use any file extension for your backup file, it does not need to end with ".lrcat".


Intro Video


Version History

Download Windows: 7.35MB (portable version, no install required)
Extract the Zip file to a folder and simply run LrExplorer.exe

Download MacOS: LrExplorer-full-osx-en-1.0-5.dmg 9.1MB
Open the DMG file and drag to the Applications folder

This is a pre-release beta version that will expire on March 1st, 2020 - so bookmark this page so you can come back and get the latest version.


No additional installations required. Just run it. All you need is a Lightroom catalog (*.lrcat file).


Just a few of the many charts and graphs of information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q - Can I request a feature?
A - Yes, please do.

Q - What Information does the LrExplorer program send to the internet?
A - None really, the only internet communication performed by the app is the update check feature (See Preferences and Help->Check for Update), which only retrieves a file from our server to check versions. Obviously with any internet communication, the server receives your IP address in its logs.

Q - Where does LrExplorer save its files?
A - See Help->Diagnostics for default folder listings. Obviously if you export files, those are saved whereever you choose. On Windows, no Information is written to the registry, unless the app is installed via an installer, then uninstall information is saved to the registry (standard way that apps do that).

Q - Does Lightroom Classic need to be installed to run the program?
A - No. The only thing you need is a Lightroom catalog (*.lrcat) file. All data is read from that.

Q - Is ISO pronounced eye-es-oh or eye-so?
A - It's eye-so because it's a word, not an acronym. LOL


